Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Hoodia Gordonii - Side Effects Of This Magic Weight Loss PlantBy Grigoriy Anoshenko
Hoodia Gordonii, a dietary supplement stemming from a rarecactus plant in the tribal region of South Africa, is a highlypopular weight loss tool. It has been publicized by reports onthe Oprah Winfrey show, ABC News and 60 Minutes. Its popularityoriginated with the San tribesmen of Africa long beforeAmericans caught on. They used it in small doses to treatabdominal cramps, hemorrhoids, indigestion and a host of otherbodily ailments. They also used the substance to combat theirhunger on long hunting trips across the African desert. Scientific research has proven that the all-natural HoodiaGordonii has a suppression effect on the diet. Whoeverconsumes it feels fuller faster, thus eating less and gainingless weight. As an added benefit, Hoodia users experienceincreased metabolism rates and energy levels. This is simply aresult of decreasing the amount of time spent engaged infrivolous, unnecessary snacking. Another product available on the market, Hoodia Gordoniiliquid, is said to have an even more drastic weight loss effectthan the pill form. Both products are completely natural, withno stimulants, no ephedra, ephedrine or ma huang. There wereabout 20 different types of Hoodia cactus available across theAfrican desert, but Hoodia Gordonii was the only varietythought to have the appetite supression quality. There are currently no known negative side effects associatedwith Hoodia Gordonii. Some Hoodia users report feeling thepositive side effects within a half hour of taking thesupplement. Most, however, report taking two weeks for theside effects to kick in. In summary, Hoodia Gordonii�spositive side effects are: � Feel fuller faster � Overall feeling of healthiness � A lessened interest in eating and snacking � Increased amount of time before feeling hungry again � Increased energy and metabolism � Weight loss It is important to note that Hoodia Gordonii is not a quickfix, cure all, stand alone substance. It is not a miracle dietpill like some of the fad products that have had their brief dayin the spotlight. Hoodia is a tool that can help in weightloss, but not a license to continue overeating. Those whotruly desire to get fit should find and stick to an exerciseregimen and change their dietary habits to consume less and eatbetter. These steps, along with the responsible use of theappropriate amounts of Hoodia Gordonii, can go a long waytoward establishing a better, healthier body and life.About the Author: To find out more about hoodia plant pleasevisit http://www.hoodia-drug-info.comSource: http://www.isnare.com
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Weight Loss Exercise Programs Can Be Fun AndBeneficial
Weight loss is on the goal list of many people, and developinga weight loss exercise program is crucial to achieving anyweight loss goal. The challenge is to create an exerciseprogram that is both beneficial and enjoyable. Creating a weight loss exercise program will help you determinewhat you need to do and what you are able to do in your questfor weight loss. Writing down your weight loss program willalso help you increase your chances of sticking to it. Diet is a huge factor is weight loss. Exercise can be a wasteof time if you are counteracting all your hard work with a poordiet. The first step in a successful weight loss exerciseprogram is creating a healthy diet for you. If you areuncertain which foods are healthy for you and which are not,consider consulting with a dietician. Individuals with specialhealth needs should definitely seek professional dietarycounsel before making major changes to their diet. Some of the most effective forms of exercise are also fun andenjoyable. Walking, dancing or playing sports are a great formof exercise. Anything that keeps you moving and active isexercise. Walking can give you a chance to clear your mind andrid yourself of some stress, as well. A weight loss exerciseprogram that is enjoyable for you will be much easier to stickwith. Even chores that you already do can be turned intoexercise with very little effort. Going upstairs can bewonderful exercise if you just increase the number of times yougo up and down. Dancing and swimming are options that can be included in yourweight loss exercise program while keeping enjoyment at amaximum. A night out dancing with a great partner will help youlose weight and have a great time with a friend, and nothing isbetter on a hot summer day that a nice swim that keeps yourrefreshed and helps you lose weight. Above all, find an enjoyable weight loss exercise program thatsuits your individual interests to ensure that you will be ableto stick with it over the long haul.About The Author: Learn more about Weight Loss athttp://www.thequickweightloss.com
Monday, June 25, 2007
Low Carb Does Not Mean No Carbs
By: Frances Coleman In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were given everything they needed to be healthy and happy. They had plenty of vegetables, fruits, fish, and meats. The garden was a buffet of all you can eat healthy foods. Now when I say all you can eat, I am not talking about your local pizza buffet or the greasy spoon buffet. I am talking about an abundance of healthy carbs and lean meats. Yes, they probably had potatoes but without a deep fryer or butter and sour cream, those potatoes were not a problem. There were no chocolate trees, no potato chip factories, no sweet soft drinks, and definitely no ice cream. They were provided with the nutrients that their bodies were created to need and nothing more. Unfortunately, when they were thrown out of the Garden, the road to unhealthy eating had begun. As with everything in history, as man progresses, he regresses. The first warrior's weapon of choice was a stone. Look how far we have come from that stone that was used for the first murder. Now we have bombs that can blow up whole countries. Progress? -- maybe not. In terms of food, we have more choices than ever before in history, but one truth has survived since the beginning of time. If you consume more calories than you utilize, you will gain weight. Every diet, no matter which one you look at, still runs on this principal. Eating a balanced diet of Adam and Eve's fruits, vegetables, and lean meat will allow anyone to lose weight. Add exercise and you will lose more weight. Even a twenty minute walk will help you lose weight. How many of you ride around a parking lot five or ten minutes to find the closest parking space rather than walk a few extra steps. Don't deny it; I know you are out there because I have seen you. I have lived in the South my whole life. Yes, we love fried foods, bountiful tables of food, and a good dessert and yes even bread. For centuries our Southern ancestors ate this way and created our tradition of fabulous Southern cooking. We cooked our vegetables in meat and couldn't imagine a meal without biscuits or cornbread. My grandmother cooked that way and to this day I remember her meals. My mother cooked that way and I can still taste her fried chicken. The difference is that in those days people didn't have to run on a treadmill or use exercise equipment. Exercise came from hard work. My mother picked cotton when she was young. My grandmother never had inside plumbing. She worked hard all of her life. She expended those calories she was eating by years of cleaning, cooking from scratch, walking to the out house, using a wringer washing machine, and carrying heavy pans of boiling water for baths and dish washing. Yes, in short they could eat what they wanted because they expended more calories than they took in each day. Today, we simply do not work as hard. With all of our appliances that make work easier and non manual labor jobs, we simply cannot eat the way our ancestors did. We can't eat the fried everything, the greasy vegetables, bread at every meal, and the desserts our forbearers ate. Of course, we can, but we will pay the price by gaining weight. My blog is all about finding ways to eat healthy without feeling deprived or hungry. I include recipes that I have created for my husband and myself that follow the guidelines for low carb eating but are delicious and easy to prepare. I don't know about you, but if a recipe has more than five ingredients, I move on. Learning to stay home and cook simple, delicious meals will also help you to stay away from restaurants where the chef piles your plate with enough food for not only you but the whole table. Restaurants are definitely a place where you can eat low carb, but take a look at the calorie count. When I did, I was horrified. The slightly boring meal that I thought was low carb and, therefore, low calorie was a disaster. I could have had something really tasty for the calories contained in that mediocre meal. Low carb has become my life and I have never felt better or healthier. Remember; when you have that desire for bad foods, ask yourself what would Adam and Eve have done. On second thought maybe that's not such a good idea. It's their fault we have all these problems in the first place. If it weren't for them, we'd still be in the Garden of Eden eating the way we were created to eat and we would all be slim as super models without all the air brushing.Article Source: http://www.nulife-weightloss.com/articlesAfter years as an educator and more degrees than she can count, Frances Coleman now writes professionally. She is a prolific reader with an advanced degree in research techniques. Read her daily blog about Free Low Carb Recipes and Tips.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Seeking Help For Obesity
There are over 180 million Americans who are overweight andalmost 90 million of them are severely overweight, or obese.That means 30% of adults in the United States are so overweightthat they are at an increased risk for at least 30 medicalconditions, some deadly, including heart disease, cancer of thebreast, colon, uterus and esophagus, hypertension, glaucoma,gallbladder disease, sleep apnea, and osteoarthritis. Andthere's a significant chance that any random American citizenreading this article also wishes they could shed a few pounds. Obesity has recently been dubbed a serious, chronic medicalcondition by the medical and scientific community. Only in thepast few decades have experts taken notice of the problem, butthat's not because it isn't a legitimate problem. It's simply amatter of it being new to them! Over the last twenty years,obesity rates in America have doubled. (For children andadolescents, rates of being overweight have tripled!) And if you are obese (i.e., you have a body mass index thatexceeds 30), you are not alone. And you shouldn't feelembarrassed or ashamed about it. While obesity is a problem,there is plenty of treatment available and your genes mayfigure into why you struggle with weight. The key is determine why it is you have a weight problem in thefirst place and then to take the necessary steps to riddingyourself of those unhealthy, life-threatening pounds. Beingjust overweight may not be an issue for you, and in some casesit ought not be, but if you are severely overweight, it's timeto wake up and make life changes that will increase the qualityand not to mention, length, of your life. But how can you do this? Unfortunately, thanks to messages sentout from magazines and television, you may feel very depressedabout your self-image as underweight supermodels typicallyresemble beauty in the American media and instead of thesemessages encouraging you to get outdoors and exercise and eathealthy, you probably just find yourself answering morecravings for unhealthy food. This is because a height of fivefeet and eleven inches, accompanied with a weight of 117 pounds(these are the average dimensions of a female model) is acompletely unrealistic body type for most people. And whenfaced with such an impossible ideal of beauty, one can onlyfeel overwhelmed and ultimately discouraged, retreating to foodfor comfort. One gains weight by simply consuming more calories than he orshe burns. But if you work at an office job, have kids to takecare of, and are constantly dealing with a social stigma aboutyour weight, it can be enormously challenging to find time tobe physically active and to cook healthy meals. Similarly, youmay be unaware that you suffer from problems like foodaddiction and thus you may feel you don't know how to get thewill power to make even the smallest lifestyle changes. But there is help. Whether you are dangerously obese and needprescription diet pills and/or surgery or you are only mildlyoverweight and you need guidance over what to eat and how toexercise, there are so many resources. And you can accessalmost all of them over the World Wide Web. In the 1980's, itwould've been very difficult to find help for obesity. Buttoday, even though there is progress to be made and most healthinsurance providers don't cover obesity treatment, it's a loteasier. But what are some specific options for you if you arestruggling with obesity? Well, first know that if you simplydecrease your body fat by a mere 10%, you can be on the road toa healthier lifestyle and reduce your risk for a bunch of healthcomplications that previously haunted you. So don't panic andoverexert yourself at the gym or go on a starvation diet.Instead, aim to lose a half to two pounds a week. And if engaging in a strict work out schedule is intimidating,why not just incorporate physical activity into your dailyroutine? For example, pick up a new hobby like gardening. Andof course watch what you eat! Or, rather, what how manycalories you consume. All of this may seem like common sense and yet it still may betoo elusive for you. Maybe you find that no matter how hard youtry, you can't seem to avoid eating that extra slice of cake oryou just can't get motivated to go for a walk around the parkafter supper. That's okay. The United States Department of Health and HumanServices has lots of resources for you on the national level,but your state and local community likely has counselingservices too, that can get you into shape fast. Sometimes justhaving a game plan and a little accountability about how muchyou exercise and how much you eat can make all the difference.And some of that conventional wisdom like "don't eat if you'refull" will suddenly ring true if you have an expert giving itto you. However, if you are indeed struggling with a food addiction youcan't seem to control, there are even more intensive treatmentsthat may come in the form of a diet pill or even surgery. Justmake sure to properly research these treatment options, as it'salways advisable to lose weight naturally. Truthfully, it's not all that difficult to lose weight. What'sreally challenging is to maintain that weight loss that's whyjoining a weight loss program that will keep you committed to ahealthy diet of exercise and food can be very beneficial. For those with severe obesity, there are many surgeriesavailable. They include the popular gastric bypass surgery. Sitdown and have a long talk with your doctor if you areconsidering surgery the risks and side effects may not beworth the weight loss, especially if you can achieve that sameweight loss through mere diet and exercise. If you are suffering from obesity, don't let it get the best ofyou. It is a complicated problem, not one that you areoverreacting to by being concerned. Luckily, there are manyways out and you don't have to go through the process alone.About The Author: David Beart is the owner ofhttp://www.professorshouse.com. Our site covers family issuessuch as health, relationships and household issues.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
What's The Right Number When It Comes To An
As we are bombarded daily by the latest and greatest diet fadand a constant barrage of weight loss-focused media we areoften left hazy and confused about the definition of healthyeating. Carbs; no carbs; the right carbs; low fat; good fat;bad fat; trans fat; high protein; no white sugar. The list goeson and on. It's no wonder that it's so difficult to navigatethese tricky waters of healthy eating. But if you pare down the extraneous information and look behindthe fads to find the facts, you'll see that a healthy diet has abeauty that lies in simplicity. Essentially, a healthy, effective diet that will ensure you alifetime of vitality encompasses the intake of the propercombination of nutrients. Protein in particular plays asignificant role in the production of healthy cells. Expertsagree that the total amount of protein that should be ingestedon a daily basis settles somewhere around 20%. However the specific amount of protein you ingest also dependson your particular body type, weight, gender, and level ofphysical activity. Someone who is physically active andinvested in building muscle mass must consume a greater amountof protein than the average person. There are several dietary sources from which to receive theappropriate amount of protein. Lean meats, dairy, nuts andseeds, and many leafy green vegetables provide an excellentsource of protein. For vegetarians, soy, dairy, and vegetable product consumptionshould be increased to ensure the appropriate amount ofprotein. If you are unsure as to the specific amount of protein that youshould consume, it may be best to visit with your doctor or alicensed nutritionist. A medical professional will be able toguide in the best direction for dietary health. Additionally, there are a great number of comprehensive bookswritten to help navigate the complexities of healthy eating.You'll be able to get a firm idea of the amount of protein youshould ingest by pouring over these books. Online resourcesalso exist to help you get started on your dietary journey. Youwill also have access to a vast community of others who arecommitted to healthy eating; the support can be enormouslygratifying. The amount of protein you should consume is like any otherdietary recommendation. It's a starting point - a guide - tohelp you determine what is best for your particular body. Usinginformation resources, along with the help of a medicalprofessional if needed, you'll be well on your way to betterhealth.About The Author: For easy to understand, in depth informationabout the right amount of protein visit our ezGuide 2http://nutrition.ezguide2.com
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